Cosmic Deep Dive | Online Event

Deepen your understanding of Bitcoin with some of the community’s most well respected educators.

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The world is changing rapidly. Bitcoiners recognize the need to learn and strategize is NOW. Today, we know that planning a strategy of individual sovereignty is setting ourselves up for a secure and abundant future. We are providing this opportunity to give you as much useful information as possible and the opportunity to collaborate and and interact with each speaker on a personal level. Come dig in and leave with valuable insights, interactions, relationships, and resources.

BITCOIN DEVELOPER DONATION: The Bitcoin Path is donating 10% of all profits from this event and all others to Bitcoin development. We know that the ongoing technical contributions by skilled developers are key to the Bitcoin network continuing to be the source of individual empowerment around the globe. We are grateful to give back to the community in this small way!


DAY 1 | DECEMBER 12, 2020

11-1pm (CST) | Session 1: Dan Held

Dan is currently Growth lead at Kraken. His former company Interchange, a portfolio reconciliation tool for crypto institutional traders, was acquired by Kraken in 7/2019. Prior to that, he was at Uber on Rider Growth/Global Data. Before Uber, Dan built some of the most popular early crypt products including ChangeTip (acquired by AirBnB), and ZeroBlock (acquired by in the second ever all Bitcoin acquisition). He was part of the original 2013 crypto meetup group in SF which was comprised with the founders of Coinbase, Ripple, Kraken, Litecoin, and others. Learn more about Dan at

1:30-3:30pm (CST) | Session 2: John Vallis

John is a deeply appreciated podcastor and educator in the Bitcoin community. On his show Bitcoin Rapid Fire, John delves into the deeper side of the Bitcoin rabbit hole through long form conversations with the amazing people building and contributing to this revolutionary new industry. He is a firm believer in bitcoin as the future of money and has a knack for extracting gems of profound insight in his discussions with other Bitcoiners.

4pm-6pm (CST) | Session 3: GiGi

Gigi is the author of 21 Lessons, a popular book about lessons learned from falling down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. He launched various projects in the space such as,, “Einundzwanzig”, and others. Prior to taking the orange pill he was a researcher and software engineer leading multiple development teams that worked on critical large-scale apps. He is passionate about security, privacy, and of course, Bitcoin. He is also the Senior Engineer at Swan Bitcoin.

DAY 2 | DECEMBER 13, 2020

11-1pm (CST) | Session 4: Max Hillebrand

Max Hillebrand is an open source entrepreneur supporting several Bitcoin projects that build tools for sovereign individuals to defend their property rights, liberties and privacy. He is educating his peers by sharing invaluable knowledge in several hundreds of videos around the internet. He has a keen insight into Austrian economics, philosophy, and the integration of bitcoin as a tool for practically enhancing your individual sovereignty. Learn more about Max and what he is up to at

1:30-3:30pm (CST) | Session 5: Erik Cason

Erik is Crypto-anarchist, farmer, and iconoclast. Obsessed with crypto and blockchain technology, working in crypto since 2013. Publisher of numerous insightful articles at, a group of committed researchers who are concerned with the long-term social, political, and philosophical issues that are at the heart of cryptographic blockchain systems like bitcoin, and the personal sovereignty it can provide.

4pm-6pm (CST) | Session 6: Robert Breedlove

Robert is CEO of Paralax Digital, a professional services firm specializing in Bitcoin-focused investment strategies and consulting. He is a self proclaimed Freedom Maximalist. With his firm belief that Bitcoin is radically reshaping the global economy, Robert is author of some of the most well renowned articles in the bitcoin space including Our Most Brilliant Idea, Masters and Slaves of Money, The Number Zero and Bitcoin, among others. Robert has helped thousands of people deepen their understanding of bitcoin through his well researched and eloquently written articles, talks, and guest appearances on the many great bitcoin podcasts. Find more of Robert’s writings at his medium page here. Check out more of his video presentations at Robert’s youtube channel here.


12 Interactive Seats | $300

Joining a virtual cohort of like-minded learners will give you interactive access as a panelist on the video conferencing platform. After each session you will have ample opportunity to ask questions and receive insights specific to your situation or perspective. You will have access to both the interactive and observer telegram group to connect, network, and ask other questions during the sessions.

100 Observer Seats | $60

Be a fly on the wall and observe the live focused teaching sessions and personalized coaching for people similar to you. You will have access to the observer telegram group to connect and network with other attendees. You will also have the chance to enter some questions into the discussion.

Event Timelines

Day 1 | Saturday 12/12/20
11-1pm (CST) Session 1: Dan Held |
1:30-3:30pm (CST) Session 2: John Vallis |
4pm-6pm (CST) Session 3: GiGi
Day 2 | Sunday 12/13/2020
11pm-1pm(CST) Session 4: Max Hillebrand |
1:30pm-3:30pm(CST) Session 5: Erik Cason |
4-6pm(CST) Session 6: Robert Breedlove
Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.

Event Schedule Details

  • December 12, 2020 11:00 am   -   December 13, 2020 6:00 pm
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